FeedMail was offline for 26 minutes. During this period the website was unavailable and feed updates were not sent.
This outage was caused by our CoreDNS resolver failing. While FeedMail continued operating normally for a while as most operations such as feed fetching and mail sending don't rely on the Kubernetes DNS server FeedMail does use the Kubernetes DNS server for a few operations such as connecting to it's own database. When database connections needed to be refreshed the DNS resolution failure caused FeedMail to become unhealthy and it was unable to continue operation.
All times are in UTC.
13:28 | Start | FeedMail goes down. Website is offline and feeds are not being checked. |
13:32 | Detection | Automated monitoring reported that the FeedMail website was unavailable. |
13:38 | Automated monitoring reported that feeds were not being fetched. | |
13:42 | Kubernetes cluster update was started. | |
13:53 | Mitigated | FeedMail was restored to operation. The website was again available and feeds started being checked. |
13:54 | Resolved | All feeds were checked and mail was sent. Note that WebSub updates that fired during the downtime may take slightly longer to appear as the server will select the retry interval. |
CoreDNS was returning 503 to its readiness healthy check and had the following message repeated in its logs.
plugin/ready: Still waiting on: "kubernetes"
No changed had recently been made to CoreDNS. Restarting CoreDNS did not help.
This incident was resolved by updating Kubernetes. This update was announced earlier in the day and we were planning on waiting a few days to apply it in case any bugs were found and fixed in the new version. Instead it was decided to apply it immediately to reconfigure CoreDNS or the Kubernetes API server to a working state. This was a risky maneuver but since FeedMail runs on a managed Kubernetes cluster we don't configure CoreDNS ourselves so it seemed safer than manually tweaking settings, especially since the true issue may have been with the Kubernetes API server.
What Went Well
- Monitoring quickly detected the issue.
- The service quickly and gracefully recovered once DNS resolution was restored.
What Went Poorly
Where We Got Lucky
- The Kubernetes update was released only hours before fixed the issue.
- If it didn't or hadn't been released we would have had to file a service request which likely would have taken longer.
Action Items
At this time we don't except to take any action. This downtime is within our reliability targets. The cost to resolve this issue is not deemed worth it at this time.
One mitigation would be to run multiple Kubernetes clusters. This would give us software version and geographical isolation. However this would increase operational complexity as well as costs. Another option may be to run more instances of CoreDNS but this is managed by our provider so we would prefer not to customize it at this time.
One last option would be to override DNS settings and use our own DNS resolvers for all operations. This is something that we will continue to revisit in the future.
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