It was recently discovered that the FeedMail support address was rejecting messages. These support requests have not been received. This situation has now been resolved. If you require support please re-send your request . There are no currently open requests awaiting responses. Any request sent in the past has been lost. We are very sorry about this loss of support. FeedMail strives to respond to all requests within one business day. Typically we respond within a few hours. We don't know the exact time that this started, but we noticed a configuration change that affected the intended email address. It is likely that this change occurred on 2024-04-02 as some other support settings were being adjusted at that time. This would mean that for the past 6 weeks support messages were being lost. Our testing shows that users should have received a rejection message with the subject " [Rejected] " followed by the original subject. And the following body: Unfortunately, your emai
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