As of 2023-07-26 FeedMail messages sent via AWS SES have an invalid DKIM signature. This may result in messages ending up in your spam folder. This is an ongoing issue and updates will be posted here as they are available. 2023-09-25 We have issue an update that should avoid SES re-formatting signed fields. This is a workaround but should result in valid signatures. Who is affected? This is unlikely to affect most of our users for the following reasons: 97% of our mail is sent by us directly, not via AWS. This mail still has a SPF-verified sending IP. However this may still affect users because spam filters may consider these messages less "good" than they would have been with a valid DKIM signature. The most notable Inbox Providers affected by this are Apple and Microsoft. FeedMail uses AWS SES for these providers as they reject all messages from our network provider. However other smaller providers may also have a portion of their messages sent via AWS SES.
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