Update: FeedBurner is effectively disabled and no longer supports BrowserFriendly widgets. This post is obsolete but left up for historical reference.
Google has disabled FeedBurner's email notification feature and with it Blogger’s FollowByEmail widget is going away. We have already shown how to replace a FeedBuner subscription widget on your website with FeedMail. However FeedBurner also supported a subscription widget in their BrowserFriendly feed preview.
In a few easy steps you can configure a replacement button using the FeedMail FeedBurner FlareUnit.
- Sign into FeedBurner
- Select the feed you wish to add an email subscription button to.
- Select "Optimize" from the navigation menu.
- Select the "BrowserFriendly" service.
- Click "More subscription options"
- Paste https://feedmail.org/a/feedburnerflareunit.xml into the URL field.
- Click "Add"
- Check the new "Email" button that appears. You may need to re-expand "More subscription options".
- Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
Now if you view your feed you should seen an email subscription button!
If you have any questions check out our Feed Owner FAQ.
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